Manoj Dhalumal Kotwani Attends Pivotal BRICS Information Dynamics Meeting

Manoj Dhalumal Kotwani, President of the Indian Business Alliance and the Indian Cultural and National Center “SITA,” actively participated in a critical meeting with senators of the Federation Council Commission on “BRICS in the Global Media Field: Factors of the Information Dynamics of the Association.”

During the meeting, Mr. Kotwani emphasized the crucial importance of mutual cooperation
among BRICS nations, underscoring the significant potential for strengthened ties and shared
growth. He stated, “Collaboration within BRICS is not just beneficial, but essential for a
balanced and prosperous global media landscape. Together, we can amplify our voices and
share our rich cultures with the world.”

The meeting, chaired by Alexey Pushkov, focused on BRICS as an increasingly significant
factor in global information dynamics. Mr. Pushkov highlighted the substantial influence of
BRICS, noting its expansion on January 1, 2024, to include Egypt, Iran, Ethiopia, the UAE, and
Saudi Arabia. This expansion brings BRICS to represent 45% of the world’s population and 32%
of global GDP in terms of purchasing power parity.

“This is a formidable force, uniting a significant portion of the world’s population and economic
power. BRICS is a reality that poses a serious challenge to the declining hegemony of the
West,” said Pushkov.

In his remarks, Pushkov also pointed out the necessity of organizing BRICS’s work in new
areas, including enhanced information interaction. He proposed this as a discussion topic for the
upcoming 10th BRICS Parliamentary Forum in St. Petersburg on July 11-12.

Contributions to the discussion included insights from notable figures such as Alexey Maslov,
Director of the Institute of Asian and African Countries at Lomonosov Moscow State University,
who spoke on China’s role in BRICS development, and Georgy Toloraya, Deputy Chairman of
the Board of the National Committee for BRICS Research, who discussed BRICS’s image in
Western countries. Dmitry Rosenthal, Director of the Institute of Latin America of the Russian
Academy of Sciences, reported on the interest in BRICS from Latin American nations.

The session saw active participation from senators including Ilyas Umakhanov, Olga Kovitidi,
Margarita Pavlova, Elena Pisareva, Grigory Rapota, Pavel Tarakanov, alongside Mr. Kotwani
and various representatives from the scientific and expert community.

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