The Presidential Academy presented the Russian team at the GMC World Championship in Strategy and Business Management in India

New Delhi hosts the World Final of the Global Management Challenge Strategy and Business Management Championship. Together with the Russian team, representatives of the GMC Organising Committee in Russia went to India – employees of the Institute of Public Service and Administration (IGSU) of the Presidential Academy, as well as undergraduates of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, who became the winners of the student league in the national final.


12 teams consisting of business representatives, civil servants and students from Europe, Africa and Asia will compete for the world championship in New Delhi. Teams from Angola, Australia, Azerbaidzhan, Russia, Greece, India, Spain and Estonia will take part in the face-to-face format. Participants from China, Macau (a special administrative region of China), Panama and Portugal will join in an online format. Our country in the international arena is represented by the team “5 at the height!”, consisting of semi-finalists and finalists of the tracks of the competition of managers “Leaders of Russia”.


During the solemn ceremony, the Executive Director of the International Organising Committee of the Global Management Challenge João Matoso Enriques and the Vice President of AIOE, Managing Director of Hindustan TIN WORKS LTD Sanjay Bhatia addressed the participants with greetings and wishes of success to the participants. Participants of the world finals will have to manage the company in simulated conditions for five virtual quarters on the basis of a comprehensive computer business simulator. 6 best teams at the end of the first day of the world finals will become participants of the superfinal, according to the results of which the best team in the world will be announced.


For 17 years of participation in the world championship, the representatives of Russia six became the winners of the final. Team from Russia “5 at the height!” Became the best at the largest national final of the Russian stage of the championship in July 2024 in Ufa, where more than 100 teams participated. It includes an entrepreneur, a graduate of the Volgograd Institute of Management – a branch of the Presidential Academy Evgenia Domoroshchina, entrepreneur Leonid Kostyuk and the head of the division at LLC “Laboratory Haemotest” Alexander Sazonov. The Russian delegation also included representatives of the Institute of Public Service and Administration (IGSU) of the Presidential Academy – Deputy Director of the Institute of Public Service and Administration (IGSU) of the Presidential Academy, Head of GMC in Russia Vyacheslav Shoptenko, Deputy Director of the Centre for Innovative Educational Technologies Alla Tupikova and Director of Projects of the Centre Alexander Solovyov. Master’s students of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences of the Presidential Academy Alexey Gatskevich, Alexey Evtyugin and Arseniy Shunk will take part as observers, and will also support the Russian team throughout the world championship.



Vyacheslav Shoptenko shared his impressions from the scene: “In 2023, our team represented the country with dignity and became the vice-champion of GMC. This season we have a strong team again – repeated medallists of national competitions. In addition to the competitions at the world finals, we plan to hold several meetings with the delegation with representatives of the Russian Embassy and Mission in India, as well as with local universities”. “The team of “Leaders of Russia” again managed to show a high level of managerial abilities and professional competencies, they, as before, set an excellent example for Russian and foreign managers. Three semi-finalists of the competition this year will again defend the colours of the Russian flag at the international stage. Good luck to our team! We are waiting for them with a new victory from India’s New Delhi,” commented Oksana Achkasova, Deputy General Director of the ANO “Russia – the Country of Opportunities”.


The 2024 World Finals are the 44th in the round of the Global Management Challenge. In total, more than 1,000,000 people became participants of world competitions for all time, more than 100,000 people took part in the Russian stage of the championship for 18 years of its existence. The team’s participation in the world finals is supported by the Presidential Academy (RANEPA).


“Currently, a lot of work is being done to incorporate Global Management Challenge methods into the educational process, regular student cups are already being held at the Presidential Academy, accompanied by extensive research work,” says Vyacheslav Shopenko, head of GMC in Russia. “We hope that the Academy will remain a flagship in the field of innovative educational technologies, which will allow to grow a new generation of highly qualified managers not only in the field of business, but also – very important – in the public sector.”

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