Putin says 34 countries want to join BRICS agenda

Russian President Vladimir Putin is meeting on 12 September in St. Petersburg with high-ranking representatives of the BRICS countries in charge of security issues. This is reported by the official website of the President of Russia. “We could not ignore the growing interest in BRICS on the part of many states. As of today, more than three dozen countries, 34 states to be exact, have declared their desire to join the activities of our group”


Vladimir Putin
President of Russia

The Russian leader pointed out that the current meeting was attended by delegations of new states that joined the group on 1 January this year. He added that colleagues from countries that are not yet members of BRICS but are keen to work with the association joined the meeting.


In addition, the Russian head of state noted that in the year of its BRICS chairmanship, Russia had taken a responsible approach to organising joint activities of the group’s countries. According to him, the Russian Federation was entrusted with a special mission to facilitate the rapid and organic integration of the new members. In addition, the Russian president spoke about plans to approve the list of BRICS partner states at the summit in Kazan. Putin explained that the meeting will consider the range of possible candidates for such a status.


He also informed that the plan of the Russian presidency has been fulfilled by more than 70 per cent, with more than 150 events held as part of it. Later, meetings of BRICS foreign policy ministers, energy ministers, transport ministers, heads of geological services, a forum on nuclear medicine and other events are scheduled.


At the same time, the Russian leader noted that the Russian Chairmanship pays the most attention to the issues within the competence of the High Representatives on Security. Among the results of joint work of the BRICS countries in this area, he singled out the creation of a special electronic register for the exchange of data on computer attacks. The decision to establish a council on terrorism financing in the association is at the final stage.
Putin also met with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi during the event in St. Petersburg. During the talks, the Russian president said he plans a bilateral meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping at the summit in Kazan in October. In addition, he asked to convey his best wishes to the Chinese leader.


The meeting of high representatives of the BRICS and BRICS+ states in charge of security issues is being held from 10 to 12 September. About 20 countries are taking part in it. The meeting of high representatives of the BRICS and BRICS+ countries in charge of security issues is being held within the framework of the Russian Federation’s chairmanship in the association from 10 to 12 September. It is attended by about 20 countries.
Photo: Kremlin.ru

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