Russia Secures Regular Supply Rights for Lentils to India

In a major development, Russia has been granted the right to regularly supply lentils to India, according to an official report from Rosselkhoznadzor. The approval follows a detailed process initiated by Russia’s agricultural authorities in collaboration with India’s Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare. The groundwork for this bilateral agricultural cooperation began in late 2020, when Rosselkhoznadzor initiated the approval process for Russian lentils to access the Indian market. By September 2021, India’s National Plant Protection Organization had established the necessary quarantine and phytosanitary requirements, allowing for trial shipments to commence under the close supervision of Rosselkhoznadzor.


The success of these trial shipments, which began in 2022, was further reinforced by rigorous laboratory tests conducted in India. The results confirmed that all batches of Russian lentils adhered to India’s stringent phytosanitary standards, clearing the path for regular exports. As of 22nd September 2024, the Federal State Information System “Argus-Fito” reported that Russia has exported 545,000 tons of legumes to India since the start of the year. This figure represents a remarkable 23-fold increase compared to the same period last year, underscoring the significance of this partnership.


This development not only strengthens the agricultural trade ties between Russia and India but also contributes to the growing diversification of Russia’s export portfolio, providing India with a reliable source of high-quality lentils.

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